

  • Oliveira, R. ; Mesquita, D. G. ; Rosa, P. . HARP: A Split Brain Free Protocol for High Availability in Reconfigurable Logic. In: The Ninth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, 2013, Roma, Itália. Proceedinga of The Ninth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications. New York, USA: IARIA/Curran Associates, 2013. (Anais - B1)

  • Oliveira, R. ; Mesquita. D. ; Rosa, P. HARP: Um novo protocolo para alta disponibilidade implementado em FPGA. Anais do

  • 31o Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), Brasília, 2013. (Anais - B2)


      • Besrour, H. ; Mesquita, D. G. ; MOHSEN, M. ; RACHED, T. . Modified Current Mask Generation (M-CMG): An Improved Countermeasure Against Differential Power Analysis Attacks. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas de Computadores (SBSeg), Curitiba, 2012. (Anais - B4)

  • Hoff, D. N. ; Mesquita, D. ; Sopeña, M. B. ; Martin, A. S. S. . Universidades Públicas como Instrumento de Desenvolvimento Regional: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência brasileira. In: Hugo Consciência Silvestre;Joaquim FIlipe Araújo. (Org.). Coletânea em Administração Pública. 1ed.Lisboa: Escolar Editora, 2012, v. 1, p. 339-370.


  • Perin, G., Mesquita, D. Martins, J. Montgomery modular multiplication on reconfigurable hardware: systolic versus multiplexed implementation. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing. Volume 2011 (2011). doi: 10.1155/2011/127147. p. 1-10. (Revista - B3) - link


  • Mesquita, D. . Architectures reconfigurables et cryptographie: Une analyse de robustesse et contremesures face aux attaques par canaux cachés. 1. ed. Editions universitaires européennes, 2010. v. 1. 200 p. (Livro) - link

  • Mesquita, Daniel G. ; Perin, G. ; Herrmann, F. L. ; Martins, J. B. . An Efficient Implementation of Montgomery Powering Ladder on Reconfigurable Hardware. In: IEEE 23th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 2010, São Paulo, SP. Proceedings of the IEEE 23th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 2010. (Anais - B1) - pdf

  • Perin, G. ; Mesquita, D. ; Herrmann, F. L. ; Martins, J. B.. Montgomery Modular Multiplication on Reconfigurable Hardware: Fully Systolic Array vs Parallel Implementation. In: IEEE VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference, 2010, Recife. Proceedings of VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference, 2010. p. 61-66. (Anais - B3) - pdf


  • Foster, D. ; Mesquita, D. ; Kozakevicius, A. ; Martins, L. . Wavelets to improve DPA: a new threat to hardware security?. In: 24th South Symposium on Microelectronics, 2009, Pelotas. Proceedings of 24th South Symposium on Microelectronics, 2009. (Anais) - pdf


  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; BADRIGNANS, B. ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . A Cryptographic Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architecture Robust Against DPA. In: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007. (IPDPS)., 2007, Long Beach, CA. (Proceedings), 2007. p. 1-8. (Anais - A2) - pdf

  • ALMEIDA, G. M. ; BEZERRA, E. A. ; FAGUNDES, R. D. R. ; MESQUITA, Daniel G. . A Reed-Solomon algorithm for FPGA area optimization in space applications. In: NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, 2007, Edimburg. Proceedings of the NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, 2007. p. 243-249. (Anais) - pdf

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; CALAZANS, Ney Laert Vilar ; TORRES, Lionel ; ROBERT, Michel . Uma Arquitetura Dinamicamente Reconfigurável para Criptografia Robusta contra Ataques por Canais Colaterais. In: III Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, 2007, Lisboa. Anais das III Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis. Lisboa : IST Press, 2007. v. 1. p. 45-53. (Anais) - pdf

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TECHER, Jean Denis ; TORRES, Lionel ; ROBERT, Michel ; CATHEBRAS, G. ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . Current Mask Generation: an Analog Circuit to Thwart DPA Attacks. In: R. Reis; A. Osseiran; H-J Pfeiderer. (Org.). Vlsi-Soc: From Systems To Silicon. Boston: Springer, 2007, v. 240/07, p. 317-330. (Capítulo de Livro a partir de Conferência - B3) - pdf


  • BADRIGNANS, B. ; MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; BAJARD, Jean Claude ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel . Implémentation Matérielle d'une Arithmétique Résistante aux Fuites. In: Symposium en Architecture de Machines, 2006, Perpignan. Proceedings of Sympa 2006. Perpignan, 2006.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; BADRIGNANS, B. ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . A Leak Resistant SoC to Counteract Side Channel Attacks. In: IEEE 8th International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2006, 2006, Tampere. Proceedings of the ISSoC 2006.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TORRES, Lionel ; BADRIGNANS, B. ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel . A Leak Resistant Architecture Against Side Channel. In: IEEE 16th Field Programmable Logic, 2006, Madrid. Proceedings of FPL 2006, 2006. (Resumo extendido)

  • BADRIGNANS, B. ; MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; BAJARD, Jean Claude ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel . A Parallel and Secure Architecture for Asymetric Cryptography. In: Reconfigurable Communication-Centric SoCs, 2006, Montpellier. Proceedings Of ReCoSoC 2006, 2006. p. 220-224. (Resumo extendido)

  • FISCHER, V. ; TORRES, Lionel ; MESQUITA, Daniel G. . Flexible security and its technology limits. In: Reconfigurable Communication-Centric SoCs, 2006, Montpellier. Proceedings Of ReCoSoC 2006. p. 243-248. (Resumo extendido)


  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TECHER, Jean Denis ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; CAMBON, Gaston ; ROBERT, Michel ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . Current Mask Generation: an Analogical Circuit to Thwart DPA Attacks. In: IFIP 13th VLSI SoC - International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, 2005, Perth. Proceedings of IFIP VLSI-SoC, 2005.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TECHER, Jean Denis ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; CAMBON, Gaston ; ROBERT, Michel ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . Current Mask Generation: A Transistor Level Security Against DPA Attacks. In: IEEE/ACM 18th SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS DESIGN, 2005, Florianópolis.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel . La reconfiguration dynamique comme technique pour éviter les attaques DPA. In: XIII Journées Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale I2S (DOCTISS'05), 2005, Montpellier. Proceedings of XIII Journées Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale I2S (DOCTISS'05), 2005.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TECHER, Jean Denis ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; CAMBON, Gaston ; ROBERT, Michel ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . A New Hardware Countermeasure for Masking Power Signatures. In: Reconfigurable Communication-Centric SoCs, 2005, Montpellier. Proceedings Of ReCoSoC 2005, 2005. p. 169-176. (Resumo extendido)


  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TORRES, Lionel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; ROBERT, Michel . Adéquation Algorithme Architecture : Des Opérateurs Arithmétiques Pour La Cryptographie Dans Les Architectures Reconfigurables. In: Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, 2004, Marseille. Proceedings of JNRDM. Marseille, 2004. p. 310-312.

  • CARVALHO, E. ; CALAZANS, Ney Laert Vilar ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; MESQUITA, Daniel G. . Reconfiguration Control for Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems. In: XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, 2004, Bordeaux. Proceedings of XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, 2004.


  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; PALMA, José Carlos Sant'anna ; MÖLLER, Leandro Heleno ; CALAZANS, Ney Laert Vilar . Remote and Partial Reconfiguration of FPGAs: tools and trends. In: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2003, Nice. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2003. Proceedings.. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003. v. 1. p. 1-8.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TORRES, Lionel ; ROBERT, Michel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . A coarse grain reconfigurable architecture to compute modular product. In: 18th South Symposium on Microelectronics, 2003, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil. Anais do 18º Simpósio Sul de Microeletrônica, 2003. v. 1. p. 9-16.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; TORRES, Lionel ; ROBERT, Michel ; SASSATELLI, Gilles ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm . Are coarse grain reconfigurable architectures suitable for cryptography?. In: IFIP 12th VLSI SoC - International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, 2003, Darmstadt. Proceedings of the 12th VLSI-SoC, 2003. p. 276-281.

  • MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; MÖLLER, Leandro Heleno ; PALMA, José Carlos Sant'anna ; CALAZANS, Ney Laert Vilar . Development of a Tool-Set for Remote and Partial Reconfiguration on Virtex Devices. In: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test EUROPE, 2003, Munique. Proceedings of the DATE 2003. Los Alamitos : IEEE Press, 2003. p. 1122-1123. (Resumo extendido)


  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; MÖLLER, Leandro Heleno . Tool-Set for Remote and Partial Reconfiguration. In: 17th South Symposium on Microelectronics, 2002, Gramado, RS. Proceedings of 17 South Symposium on Microelectronics, 2002. p. 127-130.


  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; MÖLLER, Leandro Heleno ; PALMA, José Carlos Sant'anna ; CALAZANS, Ney Laert Vilar . Reconfiguração Parcial e Remota de Cores FPGAs. In: VII WORKSHOP IBERCHIP, 2001, Montevidéu. VII WORKSHOP IBERCHIP, 2001.

  • MESQUITA, Daniel G. ; MORAES, Fernando Gehm ; CALAZANS, Ney Laert Vilar . Reconfiguração Parcial e Remota de Dispositivos FPGA da Família Virtex. In: Seminário de Computação Reconfigurável, 2001, Belo Horizonte - MG. SCR'01, 2001.